Find Out: What Are the Minimum Number of Shares You Can Buy?

Nov 06, 2023 By Triston Martin


There are benefits and dangers associated with investing in the stock market. Success for the company in which you have invested could lead to either a steady stream of income or a rise in the value of your stock. Hundreds of shares are typical when trading stocks. A round lot is a common term for this. Odd lots refer to purchases of fewer than 100 shares. The convenience of online trading has made it easy to acquire stocks from small companies.

Buy At The Open Market

After opening a trading account, the investor has the freedom to buy as many shares as they like, whenever they like. Studying the market for equity securities is essential before making any investment. There is no minimum amount of equity securities that must be purchased. A minimum deposit may be necessary to open a trading account with some brokers. Once a buyer has located the ideal stock, the transaction must be executed through the brokerage account. The two possible types of trades that could be completed here are the market and limit orders. Round lots are stock trades that involve more than 100 shares. Odd lots refer to orders for fewer than 100 shares.

Are there any restrictions on stock Purchases?

Any person or organization's stock in a given business can fluctuate based on several factors. Companies typically impose sales restrictions on their shares to prevent an individual from purchasing an excessive number of shares, and there may also be legal restrictions on the purchase of shares. The market supply may constrain an investor's ability to acquire a company's shares. Investors can only purchase currently available shares, so if the market supply of shares is low, investors will be limited in the number of shares they can purchase.

Additionally, regulations may limit an investor's ability to purchase a large block of stock in a company. Large stock purchases may require the investor to disclose their intentions to the public, especially if they intend to acquire control of the company. The investor may also be required to make a purchase offer.

Is it possible to purchase only one or fewer shares of stock?

  • Brokers have recently warmed up to letting clients buy fractional shares without going through an intermediary.
  • Buying fractional shares can help you in two main ways. At first, it opens up the highest-priced stocks to new investors. A person with only $500 could buy a 0.2 share of when it is trading at $2500 per share.
  • Another benefit is that investors can put their money to work in a company by purchasing a fractional share. For instance, if you wanted to invest $4,000 but couldn't buy fractional shares, you could invest in a single share and still have $1,500 left over. For example, if you have $4,000 to invest, you could use fractional shares to buy 1.6 shares of the online giant.

Is There A Minimum Quantity Of Shares That I Am Allowed To Buy?

At least $500 in stock must be invested to initiate a shareholding. The term "minimum marketable stock" describes the lowest possible stock price at which a company can trade. If you already own shares and want to increase their value, you can buy additional shares in increments of a few. For instance, if you already own 500 shares of XYZ, you may be able to increase your holding by purchasing fewer shares at a discount.

Direct Investing

There are options for those who prefer to invest directly in a company rather than through a broker. The rules change from business to business. While only current shareholders can participate in some plans, new investors can join direct investment plans after making an initial deposit. A direct investment plan allows for a lump sum deposit rather than purchasing a fixed number of shares. Your contribution is pooled with those of the other members, and the total amount is used to buy stock in the company all at once. Each investor receives a proportional amount of stock based on their total investment. Partial share purchases are permitted through direct purchase plans. Several shares may be purchased at once.

Commission Considerations

Before the advent of electronic trading, investment brokers typically charged a higher commission for trading in odd lots than for trading in even lots because it was more difficult to fill an order for 27 shares than to fulfill an order for 100. The online stock market has made it easy to fulfill even the smallest orders. Since many brokers charge a flat fee per trade, buying an irregular number of shares does not cost more than buying an even number. However, if you buy fewer shares, each one will cost you more.


The minimum investment required to buy publicly traded stock on an exchange is zero. The dividend reinvestment program (DRIP), which allows investors to buy fractional shares at no additional cost, is one option. In recent years, a growing number of widely used brokerage platforms have begun offering fractional shares with very low or even zero commissions or fees for trading, bringing the cost and accessibility of fractional ownership within reach of more people.

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