How Long Is An Appraisal Good For?

Jan 07, 2024 By Susan Kelly


How long is an appraisal good for?Appraisals are used to figure out how much a house is worth in today's market. If you're buying or selling a home, you should get an appraisal to ensure you're not paying too much. Property owners can use appraisals to keep tabs on their investment's growth and set reasonable asking prices for renting or selling. Whether or not you want to sell, there are still many good reasons to have your rental properties appraised. No matter what prompted you to seek an evaluation, you should be aware of how long the results will stand.

90 Days Is Normal

A standard house appraisal should be good for between two and six months. The following are some of the conditions and qualifications that may or may not apply to the buyer, depending on the type of loan they are applying for. Comparable sales, or "comps," are used to assess what the market will bear by looking at the prices of recently sold properties that are similar in size and condition. Comps can go as long as six months, although a more practical time range is ninety days.

Fannie Mae

Appraisals commissioned by Fannie Mae may typically be relied upon to last for a full year, provided they are refreshed after the first 120 days. Fannie Mae is a corporation that acquires mortgages from banks and other lenders and then sells these mortgages to investors in the form of mortgage-backed securities, allowing them to provide unprecedented adaptability. Everyone benefits from the mortgage market's ability to maintain low housing prices.

Conventional Loans

Conventional loan appraisal periods vary based on the type of property financed. For instance, an appraisal for a freshly constructed home could go for a full 12 months before the buyer finally decides. Similar property valuations typically expire after four months.

USDA Loans

Homeowners in rural areas are the primary borrowers of USDA loans guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A USDA loan requires a house appraisal that is good for four months. A 30-day extension is also provided.

VA Loans

VA or Veteran Affairs loans are special mortgages for eligible military service members and veterans. These loans are available to anyone currently serving in the armed forces, including spouses. Appraisals for VA loans are good for six months. If the VA loan closing is delayed beyond that window, you will need a fresh appraisal.

How Long Are Fnma Appraisals Good For?

When it comes to the length of time an appraisal can remain valid for a Fannie Mae loan (also known as an FNMA loan), there are rules to follow. An FNMA evaluation is considered technically valid for 12 months. But at the four-month mark, this particular loan type calls for a new appraisal (or 120-days). Both preexisting properties and brand-new construction are subject to this rule regarding FNMA appraisals.

How The State Of The Market Affects Appraisals

Naturally, the value of any given house is sensitive to market conditions. The market tends to move slowly. Thus valuations are typically accurate over several months. However, they may become unreliable significantly quicker under highly dynamic conditions. Appraisals may only be valid for as little as 30 days if the market is soaring or plummeting dramatically.

Conversely, there are occasions when the market does not move. Appraisals can be up to six months old before a lender rejects them, but only if the market is unusually stable. An updated appraisal or recertification of value is still an option for the lender if unforeseen circumstances arise.

How Long Is an Appraisal Good For?

In the end, one thing about appraisals has become crystal clear: appraisals often vary from lender to lender, and if you want to know how long your appraisal is good for, then you should check directly with the lender in question. Even though appraisals have a limited shelf life, they are nonetheless useful since they give both the borrower and the lender a solid grasp of the value of the property in question.

Visit LemonBrew if you're having trouble estimating the time required for your insurance appraisal or if you have any other queries regarding the process. When you call an agent referral service, you can feel assured that the individual answering the phone has the expertise to answer any questions you may have concerning the assessment process.


Appraisals don't technically expire, but lenders may not accept them if they're too old. Most appraisals have a 90-day validity period, although some go as long as six months. The time limit may be shortened to as low as 30 days if the market is particularly volatile. Several loan programs, including those insured by the Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration, have varied grace periods. No new appraisal is required if the existing one is maintained or recertified.

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